Inspiring a culture change to end sexual violence.
To the men in this room, I'm not here because I think you're the problem. I'm here because I know you’re the solution.
— Brenda Tracy
Brenda Tracy is a mother, registered nurse, advocate and survivor. In 1998, Brenda survived a brutal gang rape by four college football players. She took several steps immediately after— visited a hospital, made a police report and hoped to see justice. Unfortunately, like with so many of these cases, that didn’t happen.
Although law enforcement collected extensive evidence, including confessions from her attackers, the District Attorney refused to prosecute her case. She was never advised of her victims' rights, nor informed when officials destroyed her evidence three years prior to the statute of limitations.
Brenda moved on with her life, having to deal with the life-altering trauma on her own, while her rapists moved on with little consequence. In 2014, she found the courage to step forward publicly, and now seeks to make the world a better place for survivors.
Since coming forward, Brenda has championed legislation in support of victims. She started the non-profit Set The Expectation to engage and empower men to become changemakers in their communities. She speaks to audiences all over the country, inspiring a culture change to end sexual violence.
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Media Coverage
Canzano: 16 years after Oregon State football gang-rape allegation, Brenda Tracy steps from the shadows
The Oregonian
Column One: By detailing the horrific events of her gang rape, one woman fights to end sexual violence on college campuses
LA Times
Awards & Honors
National Service Courage Award - U.S. Attorney General (2016)
Named ESPNs Top 25 Female Athletes & Influencers (2016)
Politico Women of Impact: Leading in a Divided Nation (2019)
Sports Illustrated Most Powerful Women in Sports (2020)
Named one of ESPN's "11 Biggest Power Brokers & Advocates
Shaping the Future of College Football" (2022)
Who she’s worked with
If women alone could stop sexual violence, we would have already done it. This is a men’s issue and it’s time for men to get involved.
— Brenda Tracy